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African photography 1960-2010. A useful dream
Njami Simon - Pivin Jean-Loup
Upon reaching the African continent, in the late 19th century, photography quickly became the best tool for the process of emancipation through the writing an endogenous history. It gave life, sometimes unwittingly, to the `new man' that Frantz Fanon longed for by allowing Africans to portray their own selves in images where the subject is no longer a passive being beleaguered by the desires and fantasies of an outside gaze, but an actor in his own biography.- SN
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EAN | 9788836616596 |
Titre | African photography 1960-2010. A useful dream |
Auteur | Njami Simon - Pivin Jean-Loup |
Poids | 1100gr |
Date de parution | 08/07/2010 |
Nombre de pages | 185 |
Emprunter ce livre | Vente uniquement |
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