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Bernard Pagès

Lemoine Colin - Léal Brigitte - Smith Jason - Desb


Résumé :

THIS BOOK CONTAINS : Working, Colin Lemoine (historian, art critic and writer) Bernard Pagès, Homo Faber, Colin Lemoine The Approach of Bernard Pagès to Sculpture, Brigitte Leal (associate director, Centre Pompidou) Crisis and Utopia in Bernard Pagès' Early Sculptures, Jason E. Smith (professor and art critic, Art College Center, Pasadena, CA) Ecballium, Maryline Desbiolles (writer) A Strange Tit, Denis Roche (writer, poet, photographer) 'My work advances step by little step and in a rather faltering manner', conversation between Bernard Pagès and Colin Lemoine Words Exchanged with Daniel Abadie, Ben, Daniel Dezeuze, Toni Grand, Bernard Lamarche-Vadel, Jean-Pierre Pincemin, Patrick Saytour, André Valensi and Claude Viallat Catalogue of Works [2020-1966] Appendices (List of Works, Works in Public Collections, Solo Exhibitions, Bibliography, Biography)

120,00 €
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