Il s'agit d'un magasin de démonstration. Aucune commande ne sera honorée.

Tout l'univers de Twilight

Gresh Lois H. - Beury Maryline


When Mallory, Jared and Simon Grace stumble upon an old box in the attic of the dilapidated estate they move into, they have no idea what sort of adventures are in store for them. Neither will the children who pick up The Fan+s Guide to The Spiderwick Chronicles. This new guide by Lois Gresh takes young readers beyond the fairy world of the Spiderwick Chronicles and answers the burning questions kids have been aching to ask. With illustrations, quizzes, games, sidebars, facts and trivia, The Fan+s Guide to The Spiderwick Chronicles will provide hours of fun.This book will be the ultimate resource for fans of the series and is the perfect gift for that young reader who can+t get enough of the series or wants to read what the excitement is all about.

21,70 €
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