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Nez N° 13, spring-summer 2022 : Near or Far

Doré Jeanne


Smells, whether intimate or infinitely distant, are closely connected to our environment. What is the olfactory dimension of the space that surrounds us ? Nez invites us to explore the world via our sense of smell, adopting a novel approach that encompasses art, literature, photography, science, history, gastronomy and perfumery to illustrate the essential role that olfaction plays in our lives.
22,90 €
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Découvrez également sur ce thème nos catégories Arts , Soldes , Sciences humaines , Santé , Promotions , Papeterie , Littérature , Langues et Scolaire , Jeux-Jouets , BD-Manga , Bons cadeaux Internet , Chèques cadeaux , Emballages , Frais de port , Histoire - Actu - Eco , Jeunesse , Entreprise - Droit - Economie , Loisirs et nature , Sciences , Voyage , Histoire - Actu , Occasions dans la section Livres