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The liberal party in britain (1906-1924)

Davis Richard


The Liberal Party was one of the great political parties that emerged from the social and economic changes that transformed Britain in the 19th century and its record in office was of the greatest importance, never more so than in the years immediately prior to 1914 which saw major constitutional reforms of the House of Lords and the introduction of radical new social welfare measures. The period 1906-24 also witnessed the controversial break up of the Union between Britain and Ireland and, above all, the cataclysm of the Great War. Yet despite its prestigious legislative record, and the fact that it was under Liberal Prime Ministers that the War was fought and won, by 1924 the Liberal Party had ceased to be a serious contender for government. This book will consider how and why this happened and attempt to summarise its record as one of the great reforming governments of the 20th century.

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